Own students who have appeared in Matric and O Level exam are automatically
discharged. However their re-admission in FSc 1st year is granted provisionally
on the performance of their SSc-I Examination i.e. by securing at least 70%
Marks. For outsiders, an Entry Test is organized on all Pakistan basis, to fill
vacant seats only, which is confirmed on the basis of their final Board Result.
The criteria for Final Admission of both outsiders and own students in various groups is:
Outsiders |
Own Students |
Percentage in SSC
Board Exam |
Pre-Engineering |
80% |
70% |
General Science |
70% |
60% |
Note:The aforementioned criteria equally applies to own students
and outsiders seeking admission in FSc 2nd Year Class
Submission of Applications
a. Application for admission must be submitted on the prescribed admission Form appended to the prospectus.
b. Each application for admission must be accompanied by a Demand Draft/Pay Order, the amount mentioned in the Admission Form. Registration Fee/Postage Charges in favour of Principal Army Burn Hall College for Boys. The Fee is NON REFUNDABLE.
Salient features pertaining to the eligibility for induction Classes are as follows
a. For Prep Class
1. The candidate should be between 5 and 6 years on the 1st
March of the year of admission.
2. The candidate must be medically FIT.
3. All seats are filled on open merit.
b. For 7th Class
1. The students who are studying in 6th or 7th Class
2. The candidate should be between 12 and 13 years on 1st March of the year
of admssion.
3. The candidate must be medically FIT.
4. All seats are filled on open merit.
c. For FSc 1st Year Class
1. The induction is carried out only when seats are available.
2. The students who are likely to pass Matric exam in the year of application, from any Board with at least 70% marks.
3. The age should be between 15 to 17 years on 31st March of the year of application.
4. The candidate must be medically FIT.
5. All seats are filled on open merit.
d. For A Level Class
1. The induction is carried out only when seats are available.
2. The students who have passed O Level Exam in the year of application, with minimum Bs.
3. The age should be between 15 to 17 years on 1st April of the year of application.
4. The candidate must be medically FIT.
5. All seats are filled on open merit.
Note: Waiver up to 90 days is admissible, for which parents are
required to submit an application to the Principal along with a copy
of Form-B of the applicant and also a copy of CORO in case of Army parents